Saturday, December 15, 2007

UCI Beats Harvard Once Again!

An article last Monday from Harvard University's campus newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, reported on the repeated failure of the University Administration to give Asian American Studies a place in the educational curriculum.

1)This, of course, is only yet another example of how UC Irvine has proved it's unending dominance over Harvard University, having had an Asian American Studies field here since 1991.

2) It's also a nice reminder of how hard API students have had to fight to get Asian American Studies to UCI. I remember reading that most of the ethnic faculty at UCI came out of a couple of obnoxiously loud Jodaiko drums and a really large student protest in the lobby of the Chancellor's office.

3) And finally, it's also a nice reminder about how far API students everywhere still have to go to get representation in our faculty.
Ex: Out of 1600+ Filipino students in UCI, there are only 2 Filipino professors, and 0 Filipino Studies minor/major.

It's kind of time for us to get made.

Fig. 1.1 The Ethnic Consciousness Scoreboard.
Harvard University is down one.

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