Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Government Fucks Up Again

Fox News (No, I don't read FOX News, but I do read AngryAsianMan and he apparently reads Fox) reported on Tuesday that a Minneapolis SWAT Team raided a Hmong household of a husband, wife, and two sons. When the SWAT team broke into the house through 6 windows without warning, the husband ran upstairs grabbed a shotgun and fired three shots at the team, not knowing they were police. The SWAT team fired 22 rounds back, and then realized they broke into the wrong house. A couple things here:

1) The man fired a shotgun. Ok, so I'm usually totally against any form of violence or whatever, all that peace shit, but I just wanna comment on how much of a FATHER this guy is. I mean, some people break into your house, all armed and dangerous, and you got children and a wife downstairs, and instead of cowering in a corner with them, you run upstairs and start shooting. Man, that is some serious shit man. That's some serious "I protect my family" shit man. I respect that. Cuz I mean, you don't know who these people are, they got guns, they could kill you and your family, so yeah I'm going to say that's some serious shit to just pull out a gun and fire, you know? I don't know if I got the nerves for that.

2) YOU BROKE INTO THE WRONG HOUSE?! NO SERIOUSLY, YOU BROKE INTO THE WRONG HOUSE?!? WITH GUNS?! AND THEN FIRED 22 ROUNDS?! Blah, blah, blah, police are people too, they make mistakes, NO, NO, FUCK THAT SHIT, you do not make mistakes when you have guns. That's just not acceptable. Especially if you are totally willing to fire those guns. Which if you're SWAT, you totally are. It's not human, it's fucked up. One of the sons was 3. The other was 15. You could have killed them.

3) If someone finds out this all happened cuz the family was Asian, OHHH some shit should totally go down.

4) If you read the article by FOX News, you notice that they reported Federal Agencies don't keep track of the number of wrong houses they break into. Like, as if to say, they don't care.

No, no, this is not one of those "They're humans, we all make mistakes". This is one of those "They're the government, and they fucked up. AGAIN."

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