Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fuck the Model Minority Myth. I Just Failed My Biology Final. And the NY Times Agrees.

The New York Times reported today that New York University, the College Board (aka the SAT devils), and a commission of Asian American educators/community leaders released a report that attacks the "Model Minority" stereotype associated with Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in colleges and universities. The report is 44 pages long, but can conveniently be boiled down to four easy-to-remember non-racist points!

1) The term of "Asian American" covers an extraordinary broad number of demographics, with quite a few who DO face serious barriers and challenges in applying to college. (The report shows that the majority of Hmong and Cambodian adults do not attend college, while the most Pakistanis and Indians have at least a B.A. or B.S....which is not a diss to anyone! Just saying we're all individual...uh...API demographics...)

2) We're not all Science, Tech, Engineering, or Math majors! Actually...a lot of us aren't. Actually...almost none of us are. Most of the bachelor degrees earned in 2003 by APIs were actually in business, management, social sciences or humanities. Which is...kind of sad...because I thought I was so special...but I guess...not? This is actually very crushing.

3) Renaming of universities with high API populations like UCLA = United Caucasians Lost Among Asians, MIT = Made In Taiwan, and UCI = University of Chinese really mean. =( And kind of ignorant. And actually a little racist. That, and more than half of APIs actually earn community college degrees, not public and private four-year degrees.

4) Jesse Cheng had just failed his Biology 65 final. Very pretty literally. Single handedly disproving the model minority stereotype!

And for all you fellow Asian American Studies majors and minors in UC Irvine, you can find the .pdf file with the complete report in UC Irvine's electronic library here! It's a fascinating read!

Propz and Thanks to the New York Times, Angry Asian Man, and Daniel C. Tsang for providing the full report and the news article!

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