So I was listening to the classic track "Git Up, Git Out" by OutKast just now when the question occurred to me:
Who is Andre 3000 from OutKast voting for in 2008?
And this question occurs to me because of Andre 3000's fabulous rhyme in the song:
Never smelled aroma of diploma, but I write the deep ass rhymes"
And of course, now I'm asking the question if he's voting because indeed, a (semi?)black candidate is indeed running. Of course, the song kind of ignores the fact that in 1984 and 1988 Jesse Jackson did indeed run for Presidential Candidate, and for a time, seemed to be the front-runner. But I guess Jesse Jackson's campaign has become somewhat of a joke nowadays, a campaign history that even Obama's campaign seeks to distance itself from (especially when one of Clinton's campaign strategists said something to the extent of "It's O.K. Obama won S. Carolina. So did Jesse Jackson, back in the day."
So, in context, the song asks something deeper than "Why do only white people run for President?" The song actually asks "Why do I have to vote when my interests will never truly be represented by a viable candidate running for president? Why can't I just make head-banging music that sneaks in political consciousness into millions of youth and makes me millions (from youth)?" And i think that's the real challenge for Obama, something that he'll really have to prove before I ever wholeheartedly endorse him (altho I seem to heartily endorse him, it's not wholeheartedly). The real challenge that just occurred to me
It's fine that you're a person of color. So what? If I vote for you, and you don't do shit for us, I'll still have better things to do with my time, writing deep ass rhymes.
Who is Andre 3000 from OutKast voting for in 2008?
And this question occurs to me because of Andre 3000's fabulous rhyme in the song:
"Y'all tellin me that I need to get out and vote, huh. Why?
Ain't nobody black runnin but (racial epithet directed towards whites that rhymes with slacker), so, why I got to register?
I thinkin of better shit to do with my time
Ain't nobody black runnin but (racial epithet directed towards whites that rhymes with slacker), so, why I got to register?
I thinkin of better shit to do with my time
Never smelled aroma of diploma, but I write the deep ass rhymes"
And of course, now I'm asking the question if he's voting because indeed, a (semi?)black candidate is indeed running. Of course, the song kind of ignores the fact that in 1984 and 1988 Jesse Jackson did indeed run for Presidential Candidate, and for a time, seemed to be the front-runner. But I guess Jesse Jackson's campaign has become somewhat of a joke nowadays, a campaign history that even Obama's campaign seeks to distance itself from (especially when one of Clinton's campaign strategists said something to the extent of "It's O.K. Obama won S. Carolina. So did Jesse Jackson, back in the day."
So, in context, the song asks something deeper than "Why do only white people run for President?" The song actually asks "Why do I have to vote when my interests will never truly be represented by a viable candidate running for president? Why can't I just make head-banging music that sneaks in political consciousness into millions of youth and makes me millions (from youth)?" And i think that's the real challenge for Obama, something that he'll really have to prove before I ever wholeheartedly endorse him (altho I seem to heartily endorse him, it's not wholeheartedly). The real challenge that just occurred to me
It's fine that you're a person of color. So what? If I vote for you, and you don't do shit for us, I'll still have better things to do with my time, writing deep ass rhymes.
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