Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Disney's A Racist. We All Knew It.

There's this amazing article I found on Cracked.com titled: The 9 Most Racist Disney Characters. I won't lie. Some of the shit in there is just so damn racist it's just funny. I mean, it's bad to laugh at racism, but the shit is so damn racist! It's like crying laughter. You laugh at the stereotypes wishing you could forget the times when you cried as a child when they were applied to you. Some of the other stereotypes are just interesting, almost historical notes, stories and films that are definitely never seen nowadays, but it's interesting to see how they've been reflected and mirrored up until today. But man. So. damn. racist.

Some photos from the article:
Fig 1.1 The "Blackfish" from Disney's Little Mermaid
Really?!? The blackfish?! How did I not see how this was CRAZY racist??

Fig 1.2 The Siamese Twin Gang from Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers
According to Disney, the cat on the left is what I will look like in 5 years.
And the cat on the left is my father.
Does anyone remember the AristoCats?? The Siamese Cats?? And their Engrish?? Is that shit really not racist??

P.S. If you have time, check out the comments section too. There's a really interesting discussion going on about whether minorities can or cannot be racist. While a lot of people are saying that anybody can be racist, it only takes the thoughts and the prejudice; there is a really interesting, provocative, and intelligent post put on by "The Duck that was Blue". It's worth considering, yadadamean??

OK. People need to realize that minorities can't be racist. They can be discriminatory or prejudiced. But these are not racism. Racism is when the race that is in the position of privilege acts to hold down and demoralize minorities. Here in America, only Whites are even capable of being racist. It is so much more than just not liking someone because of their skin. You can make fun of white people, but they will still have privilege. Presenting Blacks as ignorant and savage actually helps to influence other White people to be more suspicious of them. I'm so sick of people acting like Blacks are even capable of being racist against Whites. They make up 12% of the population for chrissakes.
Posted on 12/11/2007 9:02:29pm
-The Duck that was Blue

That is for all my "the world should be colorblind" folks out there. Really listen to the Duck. It'll kind of change your life. I'm usually one of those "minorities can be racist too, we often are" (read posts below), there's something in that post about how sometimes racism only matters when there's privilege to back it. Otherwise it's just people bickering about the power none of them have. That's some deep shit right there, to be real.

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